Bounty of Blessings
"How happy is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways! You will surely eat what your hands have worked for. You will be happy, and it will go well for you." Psalm 128:1-2 (HCSB)
I've been doing a lot of driving across the Romanian countryside as we prepare to move to our new ministry location. The colors of Fall have been magnificent! It's also the time of harvest, bringing in all the crops before winter freezes things. Farmers burn the chaff in piles and you can see smoke rising up. The crisp smell of burning vegetation fills the air.
The Lord has been reminding me of the importance of burning away the wasteful things in my life...especially what distracts me from Him. HE has been preparing my heart for Thanksgiving. As I see so much poverty and heartache around me, I am so indebted to Him for my life filled with blessings from Him - filled with bountiful grace and mercy.
Soon, we will have fresh snow and celebrate Jesus leaving Heaven to walk among men. Then, years later, He would offer His life, the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
Silly me. Not too long ago I was negotiating with Him, arguing that I might be better off in the California sunshine, walking barefoot (well, no more than sandals), collecting sea shells.
He replied, "Trust Me."
I'm so glad I did. He teaches me and speaks to me through all that is around me in this place.
Thank You Lord for all my blessings in You.
by Coleen Jejeran, missionary to Romania