Our Compassionate Father

"As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him." Psalm 103:13

As Father's Day approaches, I've been thinking of the affect a father has on the lives of his children. Yesterday we heard of a father who accomplished some pretty great things, but none more worthy than the sacrifice he made in caring for his ailing wife. It was his compassion that impelled him to serve his wife and children so passionately. His heart-felt love and compassion for their family brought so much peace, gratitude, and blessing within their home. He truly had a servant heart that sought ways to bless his family.

Our heavenly Father is the same and so much more. His compassion for us lost sinners led Him to act on His love to rescue us from the pit of hell. He sent His Son to die for our sins, to pay the penalty for our sins because there was no other way to rescue us from the death sentence of our sin. He continues to shower His love, compassion, and mercy daily in our lives.

No greater love...no greater compassion that motivates love into action...than that of our heavenly Father so often expressed in the love our earthly fathers can emulate.

What a blessing to have...to be...an earthly father who gives us a picture of the Father's great love!

"The LORD is gracious and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The LORD is good to all; and His tender mercies are over all His works." Psalm 145:8-9

Heavenly Father, thank You for being the perfect role model for all earthly fathers. Not only are You the standard, You are the One who gives the power for change and obedience through Your Holy Spirit. Bless our fathers this day and equip them to love, guide and protect the families you have given them.

by Pat Tingwall