It Is Finished
"When Jesus had received the sour wine He said, 'It is finished,' and bowed His head and gave up His spirit. John 19:30
“It is finished.” Our sins on Him, Father God turned away from His only begotten Son.
“It is finished.” There was more love in those three words than the words ‘I love you' or any other declaration of love--the words totally selfless.
“It is finished” Heaven heard the words as a command tearing the veil that separated us from God--from top to bottom--so religion could not boast of its achievement.
“It is finished,” He cried out--shaking the core of His creation--causing an earthquake with the force of creation's grief.
“It is finished,” softly spoken from the cracked lips of the Son of Man, whose ultimate purpose was to become our ‘sin offering’ and die instead of us.
The sinless Saviour hung on that cross and looked beyond time and space. With every drop of His blood, He accomplished what He stepped off His throne to do.
“It is finished.” Don’t let anything come between you and those words. Drink them in and let them refresh you. Bow your head in awe at the intensity of His love. Be humbled by our Heavenly Saviour who came not to be served but to serve. Let His love roll over you as gentle waves caressing you and making you…His!
“It is finished.” No one took His life--He gave it freely. What compelled Him? You!
"...It is finished,' and bowed His head and gave up His spirit.." John 19:30
by Eve Montano