Love That Saves
"But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
Our Saviour was beaten, broken, scarred, close to death. He was stumbled, falling--until someone had to carry His cross--then he was nailed to it. Arms opened wide in surrender. A crown of thorns drew blood from his brow. King of the Jews signified his crime.
“Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34
Darkness fell and our sins held Him until He cried, “It is finished!.” Droplets of blood fell from His body onto the ground.
Mankind beaten, broken, scarred, close to death. Stumbling--falling under a burden too heavy to carry--struggling forward. sin darkening our hearts. We fall, arms opened wide in surrender. “God... Jesus, please take my life, my will, my way, my sin. Forgive me. I didn’t know.”
With each word, the sin that nailed us is pulled from our hearts. Chains and shackles of pride and compromise fall away. We lay face down, barely breathing. The Risen Saviour touches our tear stained faces with His nail scarred hands. He lifts our burden and, looking into the eyes of His beloved child, says “It is finished; your sins are washed away by my blood.”
I can’t help but see the parallel of a body beaten and broken for us and lives that are beaten and broken in need of a Saviour. Let the light of Jesus shine into your life. Read the Bible, ask questions and find out how to be delivered from the burden of your sins into the hands of Jesus.
If you think that God is a harsh judge and is punishing you--nothing is further from the truth.
"For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world but that the world might be saved through Him." John 3:17
Jesus died a horrific death so that He could demonstrate the extent of His love for us. No condemnation, no pointing fingers, and no reminders of your sins. His love saved my life – let Jesus save yours as well.
"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
by Eve Montano