Make Me A Sunflower

Make Me A Sunflower

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19


Please God, make me a sunflower...🌻

A handful of years ago Jeje asked us, “If you were a flower, what kind of flower would you be?” I responded, “I wish I were a sunflower. I’ve always loved sunflowers; but I confess that I’m more like a rose. I do have thorns that can prick at times.”

I then quietly prayed, “God make me a sunflower”. 🌻

After all, He is in the business of transforming lives.

He’s already done quite a work in my life. Yet, I know He wants me to constantly surrender those “rough edges” for His trimming.

Jesus has brought so much healing and restoration (Isaiah 61). I’m not a perfect product--that will happen in glory with Jesus. I love to look back on each year and see all that He has done and look forward to Him doing even more.

Recently we had a discipleship retreat with Cherie Fresonke. Her book, “Go In Peace,” had brought confirmation--and a great tool--to my burden to help reach other women who are broken, hurt, disappointed, dealing with anxiety or depression, or just want to know what God has purposed for them. Thank You Lord.

As a side note, God brought Cherie to Romania about 5 years ago. Lots of healing has been accomplished through her ministry. The Biblical process in the “Go In Peace” workbook has brought a lot of healing in me and I was excited to share this peace with the ladies who accompanied me to Cherie's home in Bulgaria.

As we drove from her home for a day trip to the capital city of Sofia, we saw fields and fields of glorious sunflowers.

Cherie then shared this word picture with me, relating it to making disciples. I know God wants me to share it with you. 

Did you know the sunflower is the only flower whose seed production is innumerable? The heads of the sunflower become fat and full of seeds. Those seeds can be harvested (or just drop to the ground) and be replanted. Each individual seed then produces a whole new flower. The cycle just keeps going. Isn’t that amazing?

Just like discipleship when it’s done right...

At the end of its production of all those seeds, the sunflower gracefully bows its head (like the ones in my garden) and releases its seed.

Here I am Lord, please make me a sunflower. . 🌻

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19

by Coleen Jejeran, CCEA Missionary to Romania