Partnership in Prayer

“The battle we face is a spiritual conflict. It must be fought and won by men and women of God who are willing to intercede for missionary families as they invade enemy territory held uncontested for centuries. Satan does not meekly give up his prey. He counterattacks fiercely in many unexpected ways. The missionary must have intercessors who stand alongside, praying on a regular and systematic basis.” – David Wang

Is a physical battle more vital than a spiritual one? Does knowing that our battle is not a physical one but rather a spiritual one make a difference in our preparation?

No, to both. While physical battles may at times be necessary, a spiritual battle is almost always necessary.  Hence we are told to pray at all times; the spirit is often willing but the flesh weak.  So our spirit gives strength to our flesh.

What needs are there in battle? Training, for one. Teamwork. Information. Tactics. If prayer is our means of fighting this spiritual battle, what is our status now?

Here are some ideas to help you as you take part in partnering in prayer to see this world transformed by the love of God:

-Challenge yourself to a prayer workout plan: start 5 minutes a day for a week, then move up to 10, and keep going as you feel the Lord leading. [Training]

-Partner up! Ask a friend to do the challenge with you. [Teamwork]

-Sign up for Joshua Project’s Unreached People of the Day and be challenged to pray in workers for those harvest fields of people who have yet to hear the Good News of Christ.

by Janine Alvarado, CCEA Missionary to Japan