A Prayer

“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27


God my Father, and God of my faith,

I beseech thee—enable me to be the same in the dark, as I appear to be in the light.
Add daily to my knowing You.
Change my reactions from ‘how dare they’, to forgive them.
Enable me to listen more and talk less …
To think less of myself and more of all others …
To not compare, overspend, overeat, or envy, …
To bear annoyances without saying anything outside or thinking anything inside, but to see each person as You do.
By Your Spirit, set me apart more each day.
Make me a set-apart wife, mother, neighbor, sister and friend.
Purify my heart.
Make me a refuge for the hurting and marginalized … like You are.
May I be a great forgiver and forgetter … like You are.
Remove the log from my eye so that I can pray with a pure heart for the speck in the other guy’s eye.
Make my mouth to gush forth pure water, and speak evil of no one.
I pray to You, for nothing is too hard for You.

Written by Kelly Knight