Learning to Let Go

“…let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1


Have any of you ever heard of “The Monkey Trap?” I don’t know if clever hunters still do this in Africa today, but it’s how they once caught monkeys. It is based on their behavior. The hunters get a glass jar and put into the jar treats like pieces of banana or peanuts. When the monkey comes upon the jar, he puts his hand into the jar, grabs the treats and then he’s stuck! His fist is larger than the opening of the jar, so unless he opens his hand and releases the treats he will not be free. The hunters are able to then throw a net over the monkey because he is unable to drop the treats and free himself.

Like the monkey who chooses treats over his freedom, we often choose the same old habits, foods, anything that seems good, but may be harmful to our freedom of fully knowing our Lord and Savior. Maybe it’s fear you are holding onto so tightly, or a deep sadness, or feelings of doubt or old messages that keep playing like a broken record in your mind.

When I began writing and publishing my poetry when I was sixteen years old, I just knew God wanted me to be a writer. In college, I was encouraged by my journalism professor to write articles and ended up winning several national contests. Later, I moved to New York City and worked on staff of popular magazines. When my book was published and I appeared on the “Today Show,” with Katie Couric, I thought I had finally reached the top! But, nothing changed. The old doubts, and traumas crept back into my life. I still felt like a “loser.”

So, I would have to say “fear” and “doubt” were my treats—or non-treats—that I could not let go of. And, I would have to say it was “unforgiveness” too, over hurtful words that were said to me by people trapped by jealousy. Accomplishing great things with my work were merely temporary “band aids” or a temporary “reprieve” from still feeling like a “nothing.” I had always thought of God as my “partner,” but somehow, I was doing all the work. I just needed God to open the doors, instead of letting Him lead.

I left God out of the picture. Well, we had a talk the other day and He let me know in no uncertain terms that I’m “worthy” because I am His child, and I can stop trying to do all the work. “You’re not alone,” He says to me. “I have never left you. But, you insisted on leading.” Suddenly, it dawned on me that my big fat fist was still in the jar! How can I ever be free of my fears and doubts and unforgiveness if I don’t give everything to my Lord and Savior?

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden is light. “ Matthew 11:28-30.

When I finally took my hand out of the jar, guess what happened? I was able to let out a big sigh of relief and grab God’s Hand.

By Anne Mount